With the following team of highly skilled individuals contributing their hard work and talent to create our very first original IP; End of the Beginning...(tm) which is due to be released in Spring / Summer 2019 / 2020 and will be THE FIRST GAME IN HISTORY to introduce players to the real life classified world of alien life here on our planet. Our Governments all know, and its the biggest national security threat of all time!
- James "Bossman" Yake________________________(CEO / Game Designer)
- Carolyn "Bosslady" Yake_______________________________(Chief Editor)
- Nikolay "Genius Brain" Eltsov______________________(Lead Programmer)
- DJ FX__________________________________________(Music & Sounds)
- Alex "Killbox" Kinnear________________________________(Programmer)
- Alex "the Shawman" Shaw______________________(Student Programmer)
- James "You gonna eat that?" Yee_____________________(Jr. Programmer)
- Jonny "This game ready yet?" Loppnow_______________(Jr. Technical Artist)
- Luigi "What's that Cologne" Esposito___________________(Technical Artist)
- Hyunsang "Skywalker" Lee___________________________(Technical Artist)
And special thanks to all those that have contributed in any way to the success of this project. You know who you are. Thank You. Team STS.